The role and importance of the formation and transformation of the civil protection system in modern conditions


  • O. G. Mikhalko Sumy National Agrarian University st. Gerasima Kondratieva 160, building of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology of the SNAU, Sumy, 40021, Ukraine, Ukraine


civil protection, national security, the system of management, emergency situation.


The article reveals the current state of civil protection of the state in In light of its legislative framework, highlighting their existing Shortcomings and shortcomings. Determines the reasons for the lack of effectiveness Work of civil protection systems. Recent publications are considered And research on this problem. In addition, proposals for Improvement of the current state and structure of civil protection And increase the level of efficiency of its work.

Author Biography

O. G. Mikhalko, Sumy National Agrarian University st. Gerasima Kondratieva 160, building of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology of the SNAU, Sumy, 40021, Ukraine

As., Department of labor protection


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Life Safety