Ionization premises system of floor-ceilivg ventilation and air conditioning


  • A. O. Mykhalchenko master's degree, Ukraine
  • V. O. Petrenko Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ph D, Ukraine
  • A. O. Petrenko Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ph D., Ukraine


air ionization, artificial ionization, microclimate, ventilation


Summary. Purpose. Consider the types and methods of ionization space, keeping diligently agroionic in the premises through the creation of artificial ionization. Methodology. Analysis of theoretical and experimental work on scientific generalization; experimental study of the effect of ion mode to human health; content detection optimal number of ions in the air. Findings. The analysis of theoretical and experimental data for scientific generalization is planned to determine the optimal concentration of light ions in the offices and the most favorable location ionizer air. Practical value. Solving this problem will improve the health indicators of air to increase efficiency and reduce to a minimum fatigue and illness of people in the room.

Author Biographies

A. O. Mykhalchenko, master's degree

Department of heating, ventilation and air quality, State Higher Education Establishment ―Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture‖, 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipro 49600, Ukraine

V. O. Petrenko, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ph D

Department of heating, ventilation and air quality, State Higher Education Establishment ―Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture‖, 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipro 49600, Ukraine

A. O. Petrenko, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ph D.

Department of heating, ventilation and air quality, State Higher Educational Establishment " Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture ", 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipro 49600, Ukraine


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Energy, ecology, computer technology in construction