Mobile technological equipment for making of gruntoblokov


  • N. Savitskiy д. т. н., проф., Ukraine
  • S. Shatov к. т. н., доц., Ukraine


Equipment, gruntoblokov, technologists.


The issue of the day of creation of hi-tech екокомплексов is development of mobile technological equipment for making of build wares from local materials (above all things soils) in a direct closeness to the objects. The executed analysis of modern equipment for forming of build wares rotined expedience of the use for this purpose of pressing of materials. To on the results of researches are develop technical suggestions of improvement of technological processes and mobile equipment for making of grutoblokov the constructions of which are protected the patents of Ukraine.

Author Biographies

N. Savitskiy, д. т. н., проф.

ДВНЗ «Приднепровская государственная академия строительства и архитектуры»

S. Shatov, к. т. н., доц.

ДВНЗ «Приднепровская государственная академия строительства и архитектуры»


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Creating of high-tech ecological complexes of Ukraine based on the concept of balance (stable) development