Study the behavior of wooden boards in the fire with the help of the finite element method


  • S. V. Pozdieiev Cherkassy Institute of Fire Safety named after Heroes of Chornobyl of National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine , Ukraine, 18034 Cherkassy, Onoprienko Str., 8, Ukraine
  • О. V. Nekora Cherkassy Institute of Fire Safety named after Heroes of Chornobyl of National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine , Ukraine, 18034 Cherkassy, Onoprienko Str., 8, Ukraine
  • V. V. Demeshok Cherkassy Institute of Fire Safety named after Heroes of Chornobyl of National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine , Ukraine, 18034 Cherkassy, Onoprienko Str., 8, Ukraine
  • B. Y. Medved Cherkassy Institute of Fire Safety named after Heroes of Chornobyl of National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine , Ukraine, 18034 Cherkassy, Onoprienko Str., 8, Ukraine


industrial facility, explosion pressure, hazards, mathematical simulation, shock tube, closed volume, gas explosion


Purpose. The aim of the work is to define the basic parameters of the stress-strain state of deformation schemes, the distribu-tion of defects, as well as information on the mechanism and causes destruction of timber frames during a fire in the application of the finite element method. Methods. For the mathematical modeling of the behavior of the timber frames in a fire, use the finite element method. When applying the finite element method using a reliable mathematical models of strength and ductility wood and algorithm for solving nonlinear problems of heat conduction and strength results. Obtained information about the parameters of the stress-strain state and the destruction of timber frames overlap mechanism under fire exposure to the standard temperature conditions. Scientific novelty. It is shown that the timber frame at a certain time interval reduces its maximum deflection and then its value has stabilized for about 40 min., Showing that the presence of reducing the maximum deflection of the timber frame at a certain time interval and its further stabilization is due to thermal expansion of the lower layers of the plate frame, It revealed that the presence of plasterboard ceiling from below, allows significantly improves the fire resistance data frames for signs of loss of load-carrying capacity to the fire resistance class REI 60. The practical significance. The developed mathematical model of the timber frames and the results of the numerical experiment, which is held using this mathematical model allows the development of algorithms of calculation methods for the design of fire-resistant timber frame

Author Biographies

S. V. Pozdieiev, Cherkassy Institute of Fire Safety named after Heroes of Chornobyl of National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine , Ukraine, 18034 Cherkassy, Onoprienko Str., 8

Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof.

О. V. Nekora, Cherkassy Institute of Fire Safety named after Heroes of Chornobyl of National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine , Ukraine, 18034 Cherkassy, Onoprienko Str., 8

Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Senior Researcher

V. V. Demeshok, Cherkassy Institute of Fire Safety named after Heroes of Chornobyl of National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine , Ukraine, 18034 Cherkassy, Onoprienko Str., 8


B. Y. Medved, Cherkassy Institute of Fire Safety named after Heroes of Chornobyl of National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine , Ukraine, 18034 Cherkassy, Onoprienko Str., 8



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Life Safety