Experimental-theoretical justification need of protection of buildings from the impact of metro train’s vibration


  • N. Marienkov Graduate Doctor, Senior Researcher, Ukraine
  • I. Kaliukh Graduate Doctor, Full Professor, Ukraine
  • V. Dunyn Senior Researcher, Ukraine
  • A. Marienkov Ph.D. student, Ukraine


Dynamic examination, signals spectrums and levels of vibration acceleration, numerous investigations, foundation, overlapping, vibration protection system of building


Abstract: In order to justify the need for vibration protection system devices from underground trains effects in the article considered the question of determining the levels of ground vibration and piles at the construction site and forecasting structures vibrations in a residential area of houses. The 10-storey residential building consisting of 10-minute sections had designed and built a on the construction site, which is located on the subway line between the stations of "Friendship of Peoples" and "Vydubychi" in the Pechersk district of Kiev. To determine the actual levels of ground vibration and piles (two horizontal and vertical directions) were carried out full-scale dynamic survey and numerical studies to determine whether the predicted vibration levels in a residential area sections house the sanitary standards by the dynamic impacts of underground trains. To determine the actual parameters of ground vibration and piles at construction site of a residential house in the 2014 - 2015 biennium. We were obtained accelerograms and vibration levels of the house floors. First proposed method of forecasting of overlapping levels of vibrations on different floors. It allows you to carry out the rationale for the device vibration protection systems and buildings in both the design and renovation. According to the results of numerical studies of spatial dynamic simulation models section number 1 and number 2 practical recommendations on the system of vibration protection of sections of an apartment house on the dynamic effects of underground trains. Vibration protection of ten sections of residential homes was performed at the level of the pile raft foundation with the use of rubber shock mounts that have been designed, patented and produced on natural rubber in Ukraine. Test samples of shock mounts are made in SE NIISK and the Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of NASU. Control studies vibration acceleration levels of vibrationisolated monolithic reinforced concrete slab floors and sections of the number 1 and number 2 have confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed system of vibration protection. Registered vibration acceleration levels in a residential area on different levels do not exceed the permissible sanitary norms, which provides comfortable accommodation with dynamic effects of underground trains.

Author Biographies

N. Marienkov, Graduate Doctor, Senior Researcher

State enterprise «The State research and development Institute of building constructions», 5|2, Preobrazhenska Str., Kyiv, 03037, Ukraine

I. Kaliukh, Graduate Doctor, Full Professor

State enterprise «The State research and development Institute of building constructions», 5|2, Preobrazhenska Str., Kyiv, 03037, Ukraine

V. Dunyn, Senior Researcher

State enterprise «The State research and development Institute of building constructions», 5|2, Preobrazhenska Str., Kyiv, 03037, Ukraine

A. Marienkov, Ph.D. student

State enterprise «The State research and development Institute of building constructions», 5|2, Preobrazhenska Str., Kyiv, 03037, Ukraine


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