Space steel and concrete composite grid-cable roof
structure, steel and concre te co mposite construction, gable, space grid.Abstract
Abstract. Purpose. Terms of the existing economy and the state of the domestic and global construction generate the need to find new designs, including coatings that would meet modern requirements. An important a spect in finding constructive solutions for new designs is the use of reliable and advanced materials. To materials with such properties include steel, new concrete and ferrocement, the effectiveness of the latter in space structures haslong been known. The effectiveness of the developed structures also depends on the use of materials and provide them to the conditions of work at peculiar for itself the stress, so steel rational use of space grids and ferrocement and concrete in slabs. Considering this, the decision to combine the space grid and slabs in an integral space design and further its research to a wide implementation in practice of domestic and foreign construction are relevant and promising direction of building structures. Methodology. Based on theoretical studies of the current state of construction and space steel and concrete composite structures identify the most promising and effective designs. Given the physical and mechanical properties of materials and properties of structural elements offer and develop a new type of space coverings. Findings. Proposed and developed new space structures – steel and concrete composite grid-cable roofs with the release of their main advantages and design features. Originality. The new efficient construction roofs that appointment for covering largespan buildings. Practical value. Developed steel and concrete composite grid-gable roofs appointment for industrial and civil construction. Applications developed designs for the construction of large-span covering objects provides a significant economic benefit through the efficient use of materials.
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