The method of increasing the energy efficiency of wall construction of LSTS and polystyrene concrete
wall building envelope, thin-walled section, polystyrene concrete, thermal conductivity inclusion, energy efficiency, thermal performanceAbstract
Purpose. Working of recommendations about the use of lightweight concrete conjunction with light steel thin-walled structures (LSTS) is an actual scientific and technical problem. In Ukraine, the composite structures are use infrequently, which is cause by the lack of regulatory framework for the calculation and design of structures this type. But some cases only the use of structures of this type allows you to get optimal solution for requirements of thermal conductivity, bearing, fire resistance, maximum usable space and the free installation engineering communications. Enclosing structures based on light thin walled steel profiles tested for thermal performance, results showed that in the field of thermally conductive inclusions there are considerable thermal losses, so-called "cold bridge". The mainobjective of this research is to develop design solution the wall-building envelope to minimize the heat loss of this structure, thus increasing its energy efficiency, and to investigate temperature variations in the cross section and on the surface of the wall construction. Methodology. Research test specimens were conduct in the laboratory, and were model in the program complex, and then values were obtain thermal characteristics. Increasing energy efficiency of wall building envelope of LSTS and polystyrene concrete does not require additional expenses and is exceptionally constructive method. Findings. It has been establish that the presence polystyrene concrete thermal insulation layer to bearing rod in the building envelope reduces value the thermal resistance R-value to 10%. The results indicate that the change in design parameters may significantly affect to resistance of the thermal resistance to building envelope. Originality. Wall building envelope has thermal conductivity inclusion and it is energy-efficient. It consists of U-shaped sections, which work together with a concrete component, insulation steel section performed by filling polystyrene concrete space formed between him and profiled floorings, with the wave height of profiled floorings should opposite thermal conductivity inclusions, and he serves as a corrugated permanent shuttering. Practical value. Proposed method allows increasing the energy efficiency of wall building envelope of LSTS and polystyrene concrete. During the building of buildings with the use of the designed constructions, this method will minimize the effect of cold bridge, thus increasing the total R-value and reduce costs for heating buildings.References
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