Efficiency thermal resources in buildings
energy efficiency, heat loss, energy conservation, thermal insulation materials, alternative energy sources, thermal imager, heat engineering calculationsAbstract
Annotation. The aim of article is to study the need for energy conservation and the search for solutions to improve the heating efficiency and energy use in the building (for example, high-rise housing SHEE "PGASA"). The relevance of research. With the continuous increase in the cost of thermal energy and electricity, increase the growth rate of consumption of natural resources and a progressive environmental pollution savings problem, payment for actually consumed and not provided by the thermal energy, and deficiency of irreplaceable natural resources are located in the first place. In this regard, the implementation of energy conservation measures, energy efficiency and use of alternative energy sources in the supply system is necessary. Methods : thermal engineering calculations of heat loss through the building envelope; identifying heat loss and problem areas of the building through a thermal imager Testo 875 shooting; calculation of the energy efficiency of the use of energy -saving tiles. Results. Developed activities and advice on the use of modern energy-saving technologies in the building. The practical significance lies in the fact that the results and the recommendations can be put into practice to improve the efficiency of energy use in the building, as well as to save resources and money, reduce the burden on the environment. The proposed measures can be used not only for the modernization of existing buildings, but also in the design phase of residential buildings and public facilities in socioecocomplexes.
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