Problems of energy efficiency in the complex construction of multistory urban buldings
energy efficiency, technology of work performance, construction industry, regulatory framework of construction, reconstruction, defectsAbstract
The purpose of this paper is the analyze of the problems of reconstruction the facades of multistory buildings of mass building with a rational choice of organizational - technological parameters and energy efficiency requirements of building envelopes. Methods. Every fourth resident of the city lives in an apartment which does not increase the level of comfort, thermal and rehabilitation engineering. On the basis of the research it was found that there was currently no government programs for the reconstruction of the enclosing elements of the existing high-rise buildings. These issues are dealt with tenants of apartments. This work leads to infringement the methodology and technology of work. Wrong selection of materialsleads to a deterioration of the targets on energy efficiency and increase the wall structure, fire safety of the building . The local warming of apartments leads to deterioration of the architectural appearance of multistory buildings and neighborhoods. The analysis of existing methods of energy efficiency building envelopes was established that the method of insulating walls inside the premises is the most negative factors. This method on the surface of the condensate occurs design that creates negative consequences (excess moisture leads to the appearance of the fungus, and thermal characteristics of the system warming fall eventually destroyed itself insulation and wall material). In this regard, it may not be recommended for use in insulation walls. The second method is the best . The device system fastened insulation outside the building. Applying this method on the facade forms a continuous loopof warming and providing the optimal conditions of operation insulation material. This work presents the ways of solving these problems and identify areas for further research. The main results of the model housing construction has sufficient reserves of strength, stability, and structural reliability. The building data can still be in operation, and these shortcomings are further basis for their reconstruction. Scientific novelty. Scientific novelty consists in the development of solutions of these problems. The selection of a rational variant of reconstruction facades of multistorey residential buildings,which is comply the energy efficiency requirements. Practical significance. The research will improve the quality of work on warming fronts, increasing energy efficiency building envelopes according to current regulations in force, and improve the architectural appearance of individual buildings and complexes existing residential development.
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