Planning a complex on development of peloids of lake Solenyi lyman
medical muds, peloids, ecological development, equipment, dragshovel scoop, clamshell loaderAbstract
. Purpose. The improvement of people’s health is possible with the use of peloids – medical muds. One of the biggest deposits of peloids in Ukraine is lake Solenyi Lyman located at the north of village Novotroitsk in Novomoskovskogo district. A medical process is carried out by Dnepropetrovsk regional physical therapy hospital «Solenyi Lyman», which foresees a booty, transporting, processing and use of medical mud of this lake. Development of the deposit is conditioned by the requirements of normatively-directive document which operate in Ukraine, and must provide the ecological protection of deposit from exhaustion and contamination at storage of natural quality and physical and chemical composition of muds. The lack of the known types of equipment and technologies of fence of medical muds is a presence of water environment for moving of equipment on his surface. The purpose of the research is planning a complex of technological equipment of ecological development of medical muds of lake Solenyi Lyman. Methodology. Planning a complex of technological equipment of ecological development of medical muds of lake the Solenyi Lyman is based on the modern methods of computer determination and treatment of topographical plans of the location and putting the created objects on them. Findings and practical value. A project of ecological development of peloids of the lake Solenyi Lyman foresees application of dragshovel drive scoop on flexible ropes. The drive winch of ropes is disposed on the lower beam of existent clamshell loader. The project of flowsheet and equipment is developed to provide development of medical muds on an area of 160х45 м2 with the perspective volume of booty of 2016 м3 and their transfer to the area of action of clamshell loader for the use of existent delivery of peloids in a hospital. In the future, the plan of development of peloids can be megascopic due to transposition of equipment on the next area of deposit. Implementation of equipment with the least contact with the developed environment (pendant of scoop on ropes) and from materials which do not change composition of peloids, allowed executing requirements to the booty of peloids. Technology of production and working documents of component parts of the equipment are projected with the use of the programs COMPASS and AUTOCAD.
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