Use of possibilities application of labview package in educational process


  • E. A. Ponomaryova . Department of Informatively-measuring technologies and systems, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, Ukraine
  • S. M. Ponomaryov Department of Informatively-measuring technologies and systems, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, Ukraine
  • A. V. Anisimov Department of Informatively-measuring technologies and systems, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, Ukraine
  • A. E. Zaspenko Department of Informatively-measuring technologies and systems, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, Ukraine


application of LabVIEW, virtual device, accelerometer, educational process, measuring technique


Purpose. Using modern computer technology allows us to simulate almost any technical processes electronically, thereby saving time and resources to implement these processes. LabVIEW is an ideal software tool for creating measurement systems and automation control systems based on the technology of virtual work devices. In the possibilities of the application package LabVIEW to use in educational process at studying of disciplines related to digital signal processing, computer measurement and automation of the experiment.

Methodology. LabVIEW-program in combination with any hardware as embedded in the computer multi-channel measurement analog-to-digital boards, capture cards and synchronize video for machine vision systems, board motion control and actuators, as well as measuring devices connected to the computer via a standard RS -232, RS-485, USB, GPIB, PXI, VXI allows you to develop systems of measurement, monitoring, diagnostics and control of virtually any complexity. The problem of constructing a virtual device that converts an electrical signal of the accelerometer sensor in angular measure using LabVIEW. Findings. The block diagram of the equations of the Fourier series expansion to the fifth harmonic. Built virtual instrument that reflects the angular deviation of the sensor according to the indications of the voltmeter. Is a graphical representation of the voltmeter readings depending on the angle of deflection of the accelerometer.

Originality. LabVIEW can develop application software for interaction with the measurement and control instrumentation, acquisition, processing and display of information and the results of calculations and modeling of individual objects, and automated systems in general.

Practical value. Using LabVIEW in scientific research, technological experiments, as well as in the educational process significantly reduces material costs and time to carry out the experiment. Efficiency of use of LabVIEW environment is the simultaneous construction of a mathematical model of the object, as well as the supply of the model experimental data using the hardware input-output, coupled with the real object. Skills programming in LabVIEW allows students to areas of training "Metrology and Information-Measuring Technologies" at the end of training as much as possible to adapt to the professional environment and have a high rating specialist.

Author Biography

E. A. Ponomaryova ., Department of Informatively-measuring technologies and systems, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”

к.т.н., доц.


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Computer systems and information technologies in education, science and management