Amendments library for the electrical schemes in autocad whereas requirements of the system design documentation for construction
system design documentation, circuit diagrams, AutoCAD, electronic library, a static unitAbstract
In the drawing of electrical scheme in accordance with system design documentation (SDD) must use graphical conventions (GC) items. The current level - aided design, includes AutoCAD. It has its own library files *.dwg with static blocks GC items, which significantly increases the level of automation. But the units do not comply with SDD. There is a need, first, to develop a new section of the library files with static blocks GC elements in accordance with the most common operating standards SDD. Second, adding them to the library. Third, implement improvements in the learning process among users. Methods. Searched SDD necessary documents relating to the performance of electrical scheme. We found and analyzed by standard State Standard 2.701-2008 to State Standard 2.768-90, operating in Ukraine. Not all of them within the purpose of the work. Therefore, the selected most common among those containing GC elements. When creating static blocks used opportunities of AutoCAD. Results and novelty. A new section of the digital library in the form of AutoCAD folder "Electric Scheme", which included seven * .dwg file type with static blocks total of 164 units. File names correspond to common group names GC elements in the original. Files are limits A5 or A4, layer "0" line type "Continuous", the thickness lines "By layer" colour lines "By layer " and a some number of blocks. The names of the units correspond to the standard element names in original language. For each blocks applied the best solutions. The practical significance. The folder is recommended to copy files to: ... / AutoCAD* / Sample / Design Center / Electric Scheme / *.dwg for free access for users and block entry by using Design Center. Static blocks recommended for students by laboratory work and independent work in computer graphics, special subjects design. Results introduced in the guidance department of descriptive geometry and graphics on the theme "Making electric concept product in AutoCAD".References
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