Assessment of the factors influencing work of the train dispatcher of the belarusian railway


  • D. V. Zakharov . Information Technologies chair, Institution of education "Belarusian state university of transport", Belarus


control center of transportation processes, method of expert evaluations, train dispatcher, criterion of determination of coherence of opinions of experts


Purpose. Automation of control center of processes of transportations on the Belarusian railroad led to change of character of load the train dispatcher. Work of the dispatcher is responsible and emotional and intense, its features: perception and processing of considerable volume of information, speed of decision-making, delivery of orders and check of their fulfillment, considerable visual and acoustical activity, frequent switching from one kind of activity to another. Various factors of objective, technical, organizational and sociological character have impact on work of the dispatcher. Activity of the dispatcher consists of interaction of the person and equipment, which characteristics result in the psychological state of the personnel. Tit is necessary to identify the factors of prime attention to improvement of the dispatcher working conditions. Carrying out poll of direct performers for the purpose of development of further actions for improvement of working conditions of the dispatching device gives the greatest efficiency, the Research objective is increase of effective management of train service, movement safety.

Methodology. The method of rank correlation is used in the offered article. The list of the factors influencing work of the dispatcher is made for its realization. The questionnaire (an expert paper) which is ranged by all participants of questioning is developed on the basis of this list. A total of opinions of group of the interrogated (experts) on influence of each factor on work of the dispatcher are obtained. Experts could give to various factors identical ranks if they considered that their influence was equivalent. The obtained data are processed with use of a method of rank correlation. The concordation coefficient is defined, and its importance determination is estimated for experts opinions coherence determination is estimated. Calculations are executed on the Computer.

Findings. Degree of experts opinions is coherence high, that points to competence of dispatchers. It is established that the most influential factors for work of the dispatcher are: considerable visual and acoustical activity, intensity during certain periods of time of considerable pressure, work at night, lack of strictly regulated breaks in work.

Originality. The factors having the greatest impact on work of dispatchers of control center of processes of transportations of the Belarusian railroad are defined.

Practical value. Consideration of the most influential factors and, further, a suggestion for improvement of working conditions of the dispatcher on the Belarusian railway will allow to lower load of the work of the dispatcher, to increase efficiency of his work, to improve working conditions.

Author Biography

D. V. Zakharov ., Information Technologies chair, Institution of education "Belarusian state university of transport"

Master of Engineering science, graduate student


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Computer systems and information technologies in education, science and management