The research of dynamics of escalation prices effect for capital investments-distribution by technological organizational planning


  • T. V. Tkach Department of planning and organization of construction, State Higher Education Establishment «Prydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovsk, 49600, Ukraine, Ukraine


capital investments, technological organizational planning, scheduling, «time-cost» dependence, construction project, PERT-COST, PERT-TIME


Summary. Raising of problem. The present article deals with the research of dynamics of escalation prices effect for capital investments- distribution by organizational technological planning according to financial component. This component displays significant instability in relation to increasing costs for construction materials and all kinds of services.Purpose.Prices increase influence on the capital investments-distribution during the organizational technological planning of construction. For the solution of a task of effective distribution of financial resources, for establishment of minimum available level of their distribution andoptimum application research on development of the project of the organization of production taking into account an increase in prices for construction materials was conducted from the moment of development of budget documentation and the planned schedule of construction is developed. For research PERT-COST networking model and its influence on the process of building production was considered the optimal reallocation of resources. The «time-cost» dependence necessitates a pessimistic, optimistic and average curve. Another way of considering of system PERT-COST provides to reach the optimal operation time with minimum expenses. The analysis of the factor of time is carried out in a section of a substantiation of management of a time resources and speed of economic processes by technological organizational planning. Conclusion.General result of the carried spent research is the graphical calculation and determination of dynamics of escalation prices effect of building materials, constructions and building products. By technological organizational planning makes it possible to revise and make a forecast of estimate documentation. This algorithm of capital investments is distribution optimal for capital investments according to flows and makes possible to escalate probability of the flows-completion upon the terms. 

Author Biography

T. V. Tkach, Department of planning and organization of construction, State Higher Education Establishment «Prydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovsk, 49600, Ukraine



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Innovative lifecycle technology of housing and civil, industrial and transportation purposes