Strength of soil-concrete depending on the composition mixture
clay soils, soil-concrete mix, average density of soil-concrete, strength of soil-concreteAbstract
Purpose. Selection of rational mix of soil-concretes, which will provide the necessary mechanical strength of the soilconcrete. Methodology. The basic physical properties of clay soils were defined in according to DSTU B.V. 2.1-17:2009 also compressive strength test of soil-concrete different compositions and methods of preparation were determined in according to DSTU B.V.2.7-224:2009 and DSTU B.V.2.7-214:2009. Mean density of soil-concrete samples were determined in according to DSTU B.V. 2.7-170:2008. Selection of composite was carried out by way of combination of initial materials of soil-concrete mixture. Sample which will show the highest value of compressive strength will be selected like a sample with rational sail-concrete composition. Findings. Was determined, that used clay soil was clay loam wich had index of pasticity within the limits of 8,8-11,4. The biggest value of density was observed in samples which had the biggest water content and in samples which were created by two-stage technology: initial stirring of the mixture components and their subsequent processing in forced mixer. The biggest 7-day compressive strength had samples with addition of river sand they mixtures were created by forced mixer. Soil-concrete mixtures which were created by two-stage technology had higher level of castability in comparison with mixtures which were created by onestage technology with the same water content. The first mixtures were plastic, the second were ultra hard and lowly cohesive. Originality. We have got an idea about soil-concrete and influence of composition of mixtures on the strength properties. Practical value. The basic physical properties of the used clay soils and characteristics of density and compressive strength of soil-concrete cube samples with different compositions and methods of preparation were determined.References
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