Are the three-layered wall panels the uneffective past or the perspective future?
A wall panel, reinforced concrete, production, technology, properties.Abstract
Raising of problem. Till recently the use of wall panels did not use popularity at building of building of the different setting. Unjustified abandonment from this type of the reinforced concrete, foremost, is related to monotony of geometrical parameters of producible wares. Absence of possibility of the free planning of space restrained practical application of wall panels in modern building.
Purpose. To analyse the construction of the three-layered wall panel, and also modern methods of production of the three-layered wall panels.
Conclusion. In connection with the folded situation in a country at the market of accommodation, providing of strong growth of volumes of erection of economic social accommodation in regions especially topically. Application of wall panels can an effective decision become in this case, that will provide the necessary rates of building and will not limit the architectural desires of builders and customers.
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