Improvement Of Methods For Risk Analysis And Production Risk


  • N. A. Kasyanov Кафедра охорони праці і навколишнього середовища, Київський Національний університет будівництва і архітектури, Ukraine
  • V. A. Medyanik Кафедра охорони праці та БЖД, Ukraine
  • O. N. Gunchenko Кафедра безпеки життєдіяльності та охорони прац, Ukraine
  • U. G. Pronina Кафедра безпеки життєдіяльності та охорони прац, Ukraine


Safety, risk, traumatism, danger analysis methods, productive risk, research.


Purpose. At what a research estimation must be base on that, or methods and equipments that is used or it is necessary to bring in corresponding changes answer the indexes of safety. Analysis of these and other data shows that the main danger in our time have all kinds of energy anthropogenic. Therefore, in the foreground the need to develop guidelines on research and improving safety by establishing and studying causal relationships and functional properties in the «human-machine environment», which is the main purpose of this article.

Methodoligy. In the analysis of risk using qualitative and quantitative methods are used depending on the life cycle of the object, goals and objectives of production. However, preference is given to quantitative methods because of the clarity of the results, and the ability to compare the various options and facilities at the same risk indicators. However, such methods is the inherent complexity of the models, a variety of assumptions which are accepted, and the uncertainty of the initial information that sometimes cast doubt on the findings. A qualitative methods of hazard analysis can significantly increase its credibility, because they are based on a thorough consideration of possible deviations and failures of the technical system or in the implementation process. To this end, standards are used by methods HAZID (hazard identification) and HAZOP (hazard analysis and performance) for the implementation of which in the conditions of Ukraine there is a need for guests who would be modified in relation to them, and, in particular, with the international standard MEK 61 882 2001 «Study of hazard and operability (HAZOP). Guide to the application «by making him some technical deviations or adjustments to adapt to the existing norms.

Findings. The article substantiates the need for a legal act or guidelines on research and improving safety by establishing and studying cause-effect relationships and functional properties in the «man-machine-environment», the use of which is currently enables to obtain the correct quantitative values risk indicators.

Oridginality and practical value. The necessity of introducing the scheme interconnections areas using the methods of hazard analysis and operational risk as the lifecycle of the object (technical system) such as «test», «storage», «commissioning» and «repair», which, along with the used, more precise studies on the selected object (production area, workshop, construction site) to establish priorities for potential hazards, the integral area of injury to workers, and to compare the effectiveness of safety measures.

Author Biographies

N. A. Kasyanov, Кафедра охорони праці і навколишнього середовища, Київський Національний університет будівництва і архітектури

Кафедра охорони праці і навколишнього середовища

д.т.н., проф.,

V. A. Medyanik, Кафедра охорони праці та БЖД

Кафедра охорони праці та БЖД

к.т.н., доц.,

O. N. Gunchenko, Кафедра безпеки життєдіяльності та охорони прац

Кафедра безпеки життєдіяльності та охорони прац

к.т.н., доц.,

U. G. Pronina, Кафедра безпеки життєдіяльності та охорони прац

Кафедра безпеки життєдіяльності та охорони прац



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Energy, ecology, computer technology in construction