The impact of internal and external constraint on the index of safe organization of execution area production of works
Security, reconstruction, foreign and domestic constraint, occupational injuries, work area.Abstract
Purpose. To determine the parameters of the zone of construction and installation work for reconstruction of the industrial building and a rational application of means of mechanization involved in this process and to create the necessary conditions for quality and safe construction and installation of work subject to various constraints (internal or external constraint) imposed by the conditions of reconstruction. To identify the effect of the parameters of the zone of works at the rate of safe zone organization of production work.
Methodology. To investigate the influence of production parameters on the rate of safe organization area of works (Kspr) in cramped conditions, we have developed a classification of possible variants of the organization of the zone of production of works taking into account external and internal constraint of the reconstructed company. The dimensions of the working area taken from the possible installation conditions of mechanization (e.g., illicit small crane) so that when the distance between the rotary part of the mechanism (crane) at his position was not less than 1000 m.
Findings. Studies have shown that the greatest influence on the organization of the zone of production work in the reconstruction of single storey industrial buildings in the conditions of production has internal constraint, therefore, it is necessary to determine the dimensions of the work area for safe execution of construction works in these circumstances that justified to make a decision on the selection of mechanization, considering not only technical parameters but also the overall characteristics of the mechanisms.
Originality and practical value. To improve safety offered index safe zone organization (Kspr) in cramped conditions, to detect the influence of external and internal constraint of the reconstructed phase. Based on the research of this indicator is proposed to zone the safe and rational use of commercially available lifting machinery and mini machinery in conditions of internal constraint in the reconstruction of single storey industrial buildings.
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