Anisotropy of computationally tailored microstructures with negative poisson’s ratio.
Anisotropy of computationally tailored microstructures with negative poisson’s ratio.Abstract
In this paper a methodology is proposed based on a combination of the finite element method and a genetic algorithm to design microstructure of materials with negative Poisson’s ratio. The problem is formulated as an optimisation problem of finding microstructures with prescribed behavioural requirements. Different microstructures are generated and evolved using the genetic algorithm and the behaviour of each microstructure is analysed using the finite element method to evaluate its fitness in competition with other generated structures. It is shown that using the proposed methodology it is possible to obtain a wide range of auxetic microstructures each with different value of negative Poisson’s ratio. In addition the degree of anisotropy of each microstructure is monitored and recorded during the optimisation process and a procedure is employed to impose isotropy while auxetic microstructures are evolving.
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