Numerical research of stress strain state for the brick residential building in case of unexpected load beyond design value (explosion of domestic gas inside the premises).


  • М. А. Romashkina Department of Computer Technology, Institute of Airports, National Aviation University, Kosmonavta Komarova 11, 03058, Kyiv, Ukraine., Ukraine


finite element model, explosing of domestic gas, progressive collapse, load beyond design value, constructional safety.


Purpose. In recent years, there is a potential need for further research in constructional safety of buildings and structures. The researcher should describe indestructability of the bearing system in maintaining buildings and structures, solve the problem of survivability of structures during unexpected load beyond design value. One of such loads is the explosion of domestic gas inside the premises. Damages in separate elements of structures during domestic gas explosion could provoke progressive collapse of the structure. This paper presents results of examination of the technical state of building structures and evaluation of finite element models of 5-storey brick residential building located in Makerova Street, Stakhanov, Luganskaya oblast (region) after explosing of domestic gas. According to many building codes, actual damage of the structure may be described as progressive collapse. Methodology. Numerical analyses were carried out by finite element method with LIRA-SAPR 2014 software. In processing of results of field observation and numerical investigations, comperative analysis on the features was applied. Results. Evaluation and summary of results of real emergency case – gas explosion in brick residential building. The paper produces FE models that enable you to evaluate the damage of bearing structures of brick residential building in out-of-limit state caused by domestic gas explosion. Scientific novelty. The author suggests FE models for evaluation of explosion stability and evaluation of the damage rate for brick residential building. These models are used for retrospective nonlinear analysis of real brick building where domestic gas was exploded. Practical implications. Suggested FE models may be applied for current structural survey of explosion-hazardous premises. They also may be used for predicting losses from internal explosions for the object, city and region. The author presents computation technology that may be further used for numerical experiments with different parameters that affect the strength and location of explosion.

Author Biography

М. А. Romashkina, Department of Computer Technology, Institute of Airports, National Aviation University, Kosmonavta Komarova 11, 03058, Kyiv, Ukraine.

postgraduate student.


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