Principles of formation of local history routes Dnepropetrovsk region.
green tourism, rural tourism, agrotourism, local history tourism, system of recreation and local history formation.Abstract
The aim of the research is to develop principles of structural and planning organization of local history route Dnepropetrovsk region. Methodology. Quantitative and qualitative assessment of historical and cultural landscape and recreational potential of Dnepropetrovsk region in time and space. Findings. A comprehensive analysis of historical and cultural landscape and recreational potential of Dnepropetrovsk region in time and space. Artefacts, as objects of local history tourism, according to the historical periods of the study region can be divided: the historical - archaeological heritage, historical and ethnographic heritage, architectural and ethnographic heritage, historical heritage. Significant role in the formation of a network of local lore route Dnepropetrovsk region assigned to the natural landscape, preserved the originality and unique flavor of the Ukrainian steppe: state reserves, natural monuments, natural reserves, monuments of landscape art. The regularities of the spatial localization of objects sightseeing tourism. Areas of localization sites are valleys of large and medium rivers. In this case, there is differentiation zones according to the degree of capacity and historical themes: the zone of archeology, architecture, ethnography, history, nature, and various combinations thereof. Monuments of architecture and ethnography are concentrated in the historic villages. Archaeological monuments, nature and history are located within a radius of optimal walking distance to the village. The classification of local history trails, taking into account the features of historical and cultural landscape and recreational potential of the Dnepropetrovsk region. The structural elements of the natural history of routes principles of the system, exposition of local lore objects routes and their differentiation. Originality. The system of local history routes in the region is seen as an integral part of rural settlement, integrated into the system. The system of recreational and natural history education for rural areas. Practical value. Formation of sightseeing tourism is seen as an intensification of socio-economic development of the villages of Dnipropetrovsk region, taking into account the principles of sustainable development, the principles of ecological environment of human life.
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