Grain boundary structure of carbon boiler tubes manufactured according to various technological schemes


  • L. V. Opryshko инж., Ukraine
  • T. V. Senina к.т.н., Ukraine
  • T. V. Semenov асп., Ukraine
  • G. D. Suhomlin д.т.н., Ukraine


Grain boundary structure, boiler tubes.


The grain-boundary structure of the ferritic component of boiler pipes made of steel 20 manufactured by pressing and hot rolling technologies was investigated, and special boundaries of Σ = 3 were discovered according to the concept of lattices of coinciding nodes. In the pipes obtained by hot pressing technology, the number of special boundaries is much larger (up to 14.3%) than in hot-rolled (up to 3.7%).

Author Biographies

L. V. Opryshko, инж.

State Research Institute of Design and Technology for the Pipe Industry

T. V. Senina, к.т.н.

State Research Institute of Design and Technology for the Pipe Industry

T. V. Semenov, асп.

State Research Institute of Design and Technology for the Pipe Industry

G. D. Suhomlin, д.т.н.

State Higher Educational Institution "Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture


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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov