Innovative technology for the production of thick sheets - polygonization rolling


  • V. I. Bol'shakov д.т.н., проф., Ukraine
  • G. D. Suhomlin State Higher Educational Institution "Pridniprovsk State Academy of Construction and Architecture, Ukraine
  • D. V. Lauhin к.т.н. доц., Ukraine
  • A. V. Murashkin к.т.н., Ukraine
  • O. P. Nosenko к.т.н. доц., Ukraine
  • A. V. Beketov к.т.н. доц., Ukraine


production of thick sheets, polygonisation rolling.


A technology for the manufacture of thick sheets is proposed, based on the creation and preservation of a stable polygonized structure of hot-deformed austenite, which initiates the formation of numerous nuclei of hypoeutectoid ferrite with a decrease in the deformation temperature to the intercritical interval. Finishing rolling further enhances the dispersion of the final structure, reduces ferritic-pearlite banding and improves the mechanical properties of rolled plates (including in the ze-direction) from low carbon steels. The new technology is called polygon-controlled rolling and allows, along with recrystallization and normalization rolling, to more effectively use the mechanisms of inheritance of defects in the thermomechanical processing of metals and is an extension of the capabilities of traditional controlled rolling.

Author Biographies

V. I. Bol'shakov, д.т.н., проф.

State Higher Educational Institution "Pridniprovsk State Academy of Construction and Architecture

G. D. Suhomlin, State Higher Educational Institution "Pridniprovsk State Academy of Construction and Architecture

ДВНЗ «Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури

D. V. Lauhin, к.т.н. доц.

State Higher Educational Institution "Pridniprovsk State Academy of Construction and Architecture

A. V. Murashkin, к.т.н.

PJSC" Mariupol Metallurgical Plant named after Ilyich "

O. P. Nosenko, к.т.н. доц.

State Higher Educational Institution "Pridniprovsk State Academy of Construction and Architecture

A. V. Beketov, к.т.н. доц.

State Higher Educational Institution "Pridniprovsk State Academy of Construction and Architecture


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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov