Physico-chemical model of matrix structure formation with oxide-alloyed metal composites


  • V. Yu. Kostyrya


Physico-chemical model, oxide-alloyed metal composite.


The physical model of dispersed structure formation in SHS metal composite (primary crystallization) is based on the description of the following stages: the transformation of the SHS front into a conical film; the development of power instability waves in the front of the SHS reaction across and along the velocity vector of moving the front of the SHS; the formation of an oxide-phase toroid at the periphery of the front of SHS-structure formation; the development of instability (thermodynamic) liquid-phase region; the formation of “structural flows” flowing out of the liquid-phase region with a velocity identical to its maximum thermodynamic instability; development of deformation-structural instability waves in streams and their disintegration into clusters of microdroplets.

Author Biography

V. Yu. Kostyrya

National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine


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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov