The general solution of the dynamic problem of determining the stress - strain state of a water-saturated soil base in a cylindrical coordinate system with axial symmetry


  • P. N. Nazha к.т.н.,доц., Ukraine
  • V. G. Shapoval д.т.н., проф., Ukraine


dynamic tasks, deformed state, water saturated soil foundation.


In the cylindrical coordinate system, taking into account axial symmetry, a general solution to the problem of compaction of a substantial water-saturated soil foundation is obtained. The elastic linear water-saturated medium is taken as the calculation model of the base. The steady process of oscillations is considered. The field of application of research results is the construction of particular solutions of dynamic problems of theories of interrelated filtration consolidation and thermoelasticity

Author Biographies

P. N. Nazha, к.т.н.,доц.

Dnieper State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

V. G. Shapoval, д.т.н., проф.

Dnieper State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture


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