Methodology of the process design of gross product output of an enterprise
gross product, dynamic programming, quadratic functional of quality, weight factors, design parameters, optimal filterAbstract
The methods for designing the process of gross product output of an enterprise, based on the stochastic method of dynamic programming for continuous deterministic systems was created. The selection of weight factors of quadratic quality functional was substantiated, the dependence between parameters of design and weight factors was established, and the region of optimum values of design parameters was determined, the optimal filter of the process of gross product output of an enterprise was obtained. Modeling of the process of gross product output with optimum values of coefficients of growth and retirement of basic production assets. Production capacity is determined by the output at the achieved level of organization and production technology. The shape of production capacity graphs changes noticeably even with minor changes in parameters, i.e., capacity is sensitive to changes in the state of a firm. Design parameters are determined by the matrix method of dynamic programming. Based on the concepts of observability and controllability, it has been established that the process of producing a gross product of an enterprise is subject to management. By modeling and calculations, it was proved that using the matrix method of dynamic programming, one can obtain analytical dependencies for growth and retirement coefficients, as well as calculate the regions of their optimal values, i.e. The production capacity of an enterprise can be the main indicator of the characteristics of the life cycle of an enterprise. The technique should be used when designing the process of producing a gross product of enterprises, its implementation will reduce the design time and ensure the stability of the process of producing a gross product.References
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