Computer prognosis prices for real estate


  • V. O. Kryachun Department of Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies, State Higher Educational Institution "Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture", ul. Chernyshevsky, 24-а, 49600, Dnipro, Ukraine



real estate market analysis system, estimation of real estate value


Goal. Relevant is the creation of a system for analyzing the real estate market. This article is devoted to describing the methods of forecasting apartment prices. Method. Known characteristics of apartments such as: area, number of rooms, total area, living area, material walls (brick, concrete, etc.) Type of house (at what time was built). floor. number of floors in the house, san. the node (joint, separation). The type of heating, as well as knowing the prices of apartments for the past periods, using computer programming, we can predict what the price for apartments will be in the future. Results Systems developed by means of which the descriptions in this article can demonstrate how the price of apartments will change taking into account the required characteristics, and the more used these characteristics, the more accurate it is possible to predict the price of real estate in different parts of the city. Scientific novelty. Forecasting real estate prices is based not on a few criteria, but on a number of characteristics that can greatly affect the value of real estate. Practical significance. The development of systems contributes to expanding the use of computer forecasting in determining the correct price of real estate for future periods.

Author Biography

V. O. Kryachun, Department of Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies, State Higher Educational Institution "Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture", ul. Chernyshevsky, 24-а, 49600, Dnipro



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Computer systems and information technologies in education, science and management