Optimization of distribution of educational loads of teachers of chair
training load, Boolean optimization, multi-extremal problems, exact quadratic regularization, primer-dual interior point methodAbstract
Purpose. In the work the system of distribution of educational load among teachers of the department is considered. To ensure the quality of education, this task should be solved in an optimal way. The aim of the work is to develop a new optimization model for this task. This model is simpler than existing ones and adequately reflects the process of distribution of the training load. The resulting mathematical model is linear with Boolean variables. Methodology. In this paper, we propose to transform the model considered by means of exact quadratic regularization to the maximization of the Euclidean norm of a vector on a convex set. To solve the transformed problem, an effective direct-dual method of the interior point is used. Findings. A new technique is proposed for solving the load distribution problems of the teachers of the department on the basis of constructing an optimization model and using the effective method of exact quadratic regularization. This technique is implemented in the form of the corresponding software. Originality. A new methodology for solving complex optimization problems that arise in the process of modeling and optimizing the tasks of distribution of the teaching load among the teachers of the department is developed. Practical value. The considered methodology for solving complex optimization problems is implemented in the form of software. Comparative experiments confirm the effectiveness of this technique in solving the tasks of distributing the load of teachers of the departmentReferences
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