The ways of prepare the level of chemical safety in Ukraine
hazardous chemicals, sources of chemical hazard, causes of emergencic situations, measures to improve the level of chemical safetyAbstract
Purpose. The aim of the work is the study the structure of production of hazardous chemicals in Ukraine, the state of chemical hazard and the selection of modern effective measures to improve the level of chemical safety in the country. Methodology. Study and analysis of international experience in chemical safety. Findings. It has established that the main sources of chemical hazard in Ukraine are enterprises, facilities, installations, units that produce, process hazardous chemicals that are not use in production and their disposal is necessary. The main causes of emergencies associated with hazardous chemicals are a high level of concentration of chemically hazardous objects; outdated technology; depreciation of fixed assets of enterprises; low efficiency of treatment facilities; low level of production culture and violation of design, technological regimes. Improving chemical safety legislation is nece ssary to improve chemical safety; international cooperation and the implementation of Ukraine‘s international obligations in the field of chemicals and waste management; improvement of the monitoring procedure; promoting the harmonization of national legislation on waste and chemicals in accordance with European standards, etc. The implementation of measures will improve the level of chemical safety and improve the system of handling chemicals, reduce the likelihood of chemical pollution, accidents and accidents dur ing production, storage and transportation of chemicals substances, reduce social and economic losses. Originality and practicalmeaningfulness. A state of chemical hazards in Ukraine analyzed and effective modern measures to improve the level of chemical safety presented.
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