Gazoanalizator as an individual agenda for protection of population with improvement




working area air, ozone, respiratory protection, air contamination, reference photodetector,


Purpose.The study or analysis of materials by determining their chemical or physical properties, namely, the analysis of materials using optical means, and can be used to control the ozone content in the atmosphe ric air, in the air of the working area, as well as in technological storage rooms for products under controlled conditions gas environment.  Method.  A device containing an ultraviolet radiation source, a measuring photodetector, an optical flow cell, a microprocessor meter, a reference photodetector installed with the ability to measure the intensity of ultraviolet radiation to the entrance to the optical flow cell, according to the  invention,is additionally equipped with a radio receiver - transmitter.  Results.The transmitter makes it possible to ensure the autonomous operation of the gas analyzer in the storage under the control of the microprocessor and transmit the measurement results to the central control panel without an operator visiting the storage.  Thus, the stated differences can significantly improve the convenience and safety of the use of a gas analyzer compared with the prototype.  Scientific novelty.Based on theoretical studies and research by improving the gas analyzer, in which modernization  based on a new set and interrelation of structural elements, the convenience and safety of use is enhanced. Practical meaningfulness. Enhance the convenience and safety of use.

Author Biography

H. O. Еvtushenko, DepartmentofCivilSecurity, TavriyaStateAgrotechnologicalUniversity, 18, B. Khmelnitsky st., 72310, Melitopol, Ukraine



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Life Safety