Rational use of available means and forces for effective conducting emergency rescue operations in emergency situations on objects


  • N. B. Mitina Department of Labor Protection and Life Safety. The State Higher Educational Institution "Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology" str. Naberezhnaya Pobedy, 40, Dnipro, Ukraine, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9086-4037
  • O. I. Saveta Department of technology of organic substances and pharmaceuticals. State Higher Educational Institution "Ukrainian State Chemical-Technological University", st. Naberezhnaya Pobedy, 40b, Dnipro, Ukraine, Ukraine




emergency situation, rescue vehicles, rescuers, characteristics, civil protection


Goal.  Investigation  of  rescue  vehicles  (RV),  comparison  of  their  technical  and  functional  characteristics,  development  of recommendations  for  the  elimination of  emergency  situations  (ES)  and  application  of  an  effective  RV  in  Ukraine.  Methodology. Application of theoretical and computational methods of research. Results. In the course of the work it  was established that it is effective to use light RV to eliminate emergency emergencies. The average IRV is the most universal, and therefore can be used to eliminate virtually  all emergencies. In the case of particularly large-scale emergency, it is advisable to use heavy RV, which are equipped with special-purpose equipment. When comparing the domestic production RV with foreign analogs it is established that the  best  technical  and  functional  characteristics  are  the  fire-rescue  vehicle  SCANIA  P420CB8x4HNZ.  The  need  of  rescuers  and equipment for carrying out rescue operations is calculated. Scientific novelty. On the basis of the conducted theoretical stu dies, an effective  type  of  RV  in  Ukraine  has  been  determined,  taking  into  account  the  safe  conduct  of  emergency  rescue  operations  in emergency  situations. Practical  significance.  Technogenic  activity  is  accompanied  by  the  emergence  of  emergency  situations  and leads  to  human  casualties  and  significant  material  losses,  which  necessitates  the  creation  of  rescue  services,  one  of  the  effective means of which are emergency rescue complexes RV equipped with the necessary equipment.

Author Biographies

N. B. Mitina, Department of Labor Protection and Life Safety. The State Higher Educational Institution "Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology" str. Naberezhnaya Pobedy, 40, Dnipro, Ukraine

Ph.D. (Tech.), Assoc. Prof.

O. I. Saveta, Department of technology of organic substances and pharmaceuticals. State Higher Educational Institution "Ukrainian State Chemical-Technological University", st. Naberezhnaya Pobedy, 40b, Dnipro, Ukraine

M.S (Tech)r


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Life Safety