Workplaces analysis within the roadside transport infrastructure along the highway a4 in Germany


  • A. S. Belikov Department of Life Safety, State Higher Educational Establishment "Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Arch itecture", 24-A, Chernyshevsky st., Dnipro, 49600, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • P. N. Cankov Department of Architecture, State Higher Education Establishment «Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», 24-A, Chernishevskogo st., Dnipro, 49600, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • N. A. Tkach Department of Ecology and Environment Protection, State Higher Educational Institution «Prydniprovs‘ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», 24a, Chernyshevs‘kogo St., Dnipro, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • L. P. Palagina Department of Architecture, State Higher Educational Institution «Prydniprovs‘ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», 24a, Chernyshevs‘kogo St., Dnipro, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • A. N. Bliznyuk Department of Life Safety, State Higher Education Establishment «Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», 24-A, Chernishevskogo st., Dnipro, 49600, Ukraine, Ukraine



noise on workplaces, motorway, noise protection, traffic interchange, service service infrastructu


Purpose.  Investigate  the  service  facilities  of  the  first  and  second  echelons  of  buildings  along  one  of  the  main  highways  of Germany A4 in order to study the location frequency and distance from the highway, the number of workplaces at these sites. Derive the  classification  of  objects  of  roadside  service  in  Germany  for  further  comparison  with  similar  objects  in  Ukraine.  Analyze  the typical location of transport infrastructure along German highways.  Method.  Through field studies and analysis of literary sources, data were obtained on the number of workplaces along the highway. Results. The classification of transport infrastructure objects of the  first  and  second  echelons of  buildings  is  presented.  The  number  of  workplaces  at  the  first  echelon of  transport  infrastructure facilities along the motorway per 100 km or 1 workplace per kilometer has been established. The next stage of the study will  be a detailed  study  of  second  echelon  facilities,  the  number  of  workplaces  at  them  and  noise  levels  at  first-  and  second  echelons workplaces. Scientific novelty.  For the first time, the number of workplaces at first echelon transport infrastructure facilities along German highways was studied. The classification of these objects is presented. Practical meaningfulness . The results will be the basis  for  calculating  the percentage  of  the  population  employed  in  the  maintenance  of  transport  service  infrastructure  throughout Germany.  Based  on  the  number  of  people  involved  in  transport  infrastructure  facilities,  and  the  category  of  work  they  do,  a methodology will be developed to protect workplaces from the high level of highway noise.

Author Biographies

A. S. Belikov, Department of Life Safety, State Higher Educational Establishment "Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Arch itecture", 24-A, Chernyshevsky st., Dnipro, 49600, Ukraine

Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof

P. N. Cankov, Department of Architecture, State Higher Education Establishment «Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», 24-A, Chernishevskogo st., Dnipro, 49600, Ukraine

Ph.D. (Tech.), Assoc. Prof

N. A. Tkach, Department of Ecology and Environment Protection, State Higher Educational Institution «Prydniprovs‘ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», 24a, Chernyshevs‘kogo St., Dnipro, Ukraine

Ph.D. Sci. (Tech.)

L. P. Palagina, Department of Architecture, State Higher Educational Institution «Prydniprovs‘ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», 24a, Chernyshevs‘kogo St., Dnipro, Ukraine

Senior Teacher

A. N. Bliznyuk, Department of Life Safety, State Higher Education Establishment «Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», 24-A, Chernishevskogo st., Dnipro, 49600, Ukraine

Doctoral Student


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Life Safety