Determination of the risk level for population health from atmospheric air pollution by automotive transport (as exemplified by the Poltava city Shevchenko district)
atmospheric air pollution, ingredient contamination, motor transport, risk, damage to the population health, minim ization of negative impact, dispersion of harmful impuritiesAbstract
The purpose of the study was to determine the level of atmospheric air pollution by road transport emissions with further analysis of its impact on the health of the population living on roadside territories of the Poltava city Shevchenkivsky district. Methods.The calculation of mass emissions from motor vehicles was carried out in accordance with the methodology developed by the Voeikov Main Geophysical Observatory. Also, to calculate the harmful impurities dispersion in the atmosphere, the EOL 2000 software package was used. Estimating the potential risk to the population health under the chronic influence of atmospheric pollution is calculated by the exponential model. Results. The levels of atmospheric air pollution from motor transport and the health risk level for the population located in the studied territory are determined. The obtained data became the basis for creating an ingredient contamination maps and maps of the risk level for human health. As a result, the list of measures to minimize the negative impact of vehicles on the environment is presented. Scientific novelty. The ingredient contamination from road transport is theoretically substantiated and practically confirmed with obtaining the risk value, to assess the damage to the population health in the studied terr itory, as well as to develop a risk management scheme for the vehicle emissions impact. Practical significance. Data analysis permits to determine the number of people exposed to the negative impact of atmospheric air pollution, with subsequent guidance on reducing actual concentration levels and minimizing the risks to the people‘s health in the studied area.References
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