Finite element modelling of bridge structures based on non-destructive and non-contact assessment methods
structural state, bridge structures, gain,Abstract
This paper presents an assessment of the structural response of bridges without access to required information relating to structural properties. The complex structure of the Pentagon Road Bridge in Chatham, Kent in the UK in parallel with the lack of access to structural details of the bridge have led the health monitoring of the bridge into a sophisticated problem. The dynamic structural response of the bridge was instigated by a moving lorry with enforced full traffic control. The magnitude of deflection due to vibration was measured both by a non-contact measurement method (Image by Interferometric Survey of Structures (IBIS-S) system) and by accelerometers and then compared with deflections obtained numerically. The modified numerical model was then enhanced by introducing structural cracks simulating the actual condition of the bridge. This development therefore proposes a reliable method of assessment of bridge structures with limited availability of structural details.References
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