Development and application of the Autocad automotive library for increasing the level of automation of deploying on the schemes of electric heaters, devices and electrothermic installations in the system of design documentation


  • V. E. Cheremysin Mechanical Faculty, State Higher Education Establishment «Pridniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», Chernyshevskogo street, 24-А, 49600, Dnepr city, Ukraine
  • S. O. Nedodatko Department of descriptive geometry and graphics, State Higher Education Establishment «Pridniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», Chernyshevskogo street, 24-А, 49600, Dnepr city, Ukraine


system of design documentation, Scheme, Graphic symbol, Electric heater, Device and installation electrothermal, AutoCAD, block


Objective. Develop a new folder with a file with static blocks of standard graphic symbols (SGUO) electric heaters, devices and electrothermal installations in accordance with the requirements of the current standards of the design documentation system (SKD) to improve the level of automation of the execution of schemes. Add them to the AutoCAD library and introduce an innovation among users in the learning process. Methods. The well-known rules for the implementation of the ACSD on the location of the terminals, the rotation, instructions for operating parameters, for example, temperature, frequency, power, etc., are applied. During the development of the file and blocks, AutoCAD's own features, in particular the Block Editor, were used, and the optimal graphic solutions were applied. The names of the folder, file and blocks correspond to the standard names in the translation into Ukrainian. Results and novelty. A folder "Schemy" with a file "Electronagrivachi, adapt and install electro-thermal equipment for GOST 2.745-68 (interlocks) .dwg" is created for the requirements of SKD. Large file limits are associated with a significant number of blocks with large names. Current settings: layer "0", type of lines "Continuous", thickness and colour of lines "On a layer", others - "by default". The "Continuous" type is fixed because the SDU is shown as solid lines. The thickness and colour of the lines are set "Along the Layer". Then, when you enter the file, the block will have the thickness and colour of the lines of the current layer for assigning and correcting, if necessary, the desired properties of the CDM in the schema file and its "hard copy". Twenty-seven static blocks have been developed. Practical significance. AutoCAD has an open architecture. Therefore, after installation, the folder with the file was copied to the address: ...\Autodesk\ AutoCAD*\Sample\DesignCenter\Schemy\... This provides free access to information for users to be introduced into the learning process. SDGS are graphically complex, so the use of their finished images increases the level of automation of the execution of schemes. Blocks are recommended to use students of different specialties during classes and independent work, course and diploma design, for professional work. Work in this direction must be continued because the quality of existing and future devices and installations and their SDGS requires new types, technical re-equipment, repair. Parallel with this, standards of ACS should be improved. Technological aspects of computer-aided design systems, in particular AutoCAD, are developing rapidly.

Author Biographies

V. E. Cheremysin, Mechanical Faculty, State Higher Education Establishment «Pridniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», Chernyshevskogo street, 24-А, 49600, Dnepr city


S. O. Nedodatko, Department of descriptive geometry and graphics, State Higher Education Establishment «Pridniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», Chernyshevskogo street, 24-А, 49600, Dnepr city

Cand. Sc. (Tech.), associate professor


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Computer systems and information technologies in education, science and management