Modeling of the tensely-deformed state of heterogeneous resilientlyplastic stripe with emptinesses, high-usage massive stamp
massive stamp, contact task, resilientlyplastic founding, tensely-deformed stateAbstract
Purpose. Modeling of behavior of objects that are being built on heterogeneous grounds. This work is a part of more broad theme that covers development and implementation of contact tasks where impact of external forces on the body depends on deformation of this body. Methodology. General methodology of this research is based on the use of apparatus of variational methods of continuum mechanics with the use of finite element method and methods of mathematical programming. The subject of this research is a determination of the tensely-deformed state of the heterogeneous foundations with inclusions of cavities. Results. The obtained results provided means to build and analyze the diagrams of tensions in the zone of location of cavities in different sections of foundation depending on weight of massive stamp. This work continues publication of series of results of research of the tensely-deformed state of multi-layered grounds of different structure under the impact of massive stamps. This is a first publication of such results. Practical significance. The offered methodology of calculation of the tensely-deformed state allows to solve a wide range of practical tasks that are faced by both designers and by operation and maintenance engineers that maintain different constructions.References
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