Optimization of decisions in the selection of components of fire-protective compositions
flame retardants that bubbled, flameproof, fire, fire resistance of wooden structuresAbstract
Purpose. Development of fire protection composition and investigation of its technological properties: determination of the flood rate and fire protection efficiency group of the proposed coating. Methodology. In the course of the research, an analytical review of the main groups of fire retardants, which increase the fire resistance of wooden building structures, gives an assessment of their technical characteristics, as well as in accordance with DSTU B V.1.1-4-98 "Fire protection. Building constructions. Test methods for fire resistance. General requirements "defines the fire-protective properties of the developed fire protection coating. Findings. Based on optimization of the solutions, the authors developed a composition of flame retardant coating, which forms on a surface, which "protects" a thin non-transparent layer that prevents the inflammation and spread of the flame on a wooden structure. The selection of composition of fire protection composition was carried out according to the scheme "compound - the additive that is flowing - the filler". The basis of the coating is liquid glass, because it has such positive characteristics as accessibility, due to the manifestation of liquid glass adhesive properties - the ability to spontaneous hardening with the formation of artificial silica. Adding to the liquid glass such components as perlite, graphite and epoxy resin, taking into account their positive characteristics regarding the effect of high temperatures, allowed obtaining a new flame retardant composition. The conducted fire tests using the "ceramic pipe" method showed good adhesion of the fire protection coating, a high coefficient of covering up to 270%, as well as a good fire protective ability of the protective coating. Originality. Taking into account the theoretical preconditions, the choice of output components for a new fire protection composition has been carried out. Practical value. A new non-flammable spillway structure is developed, which allows the transfer of combustible materials into a group of heavier and increase fire resistance of building structures. On the developed fireproof composition, the Ukrainian patent for utility model was obtained.References
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