Experimental study of the effect of anchorage on bearing capacity and deformation property of the light concrete composite slabs
light concrete composite slabs, profiled steel sheeting, polystyrene concrete, reinforcement, deformation property, loadAbstract
Abstract. Purpose. The question of determining the rational types of anchors and reinforcing of the light concrete composite slabs with profiled steel sheeting was considered. For this, experimental studies were performed. Originality. For constructive provision of combined action of components of the composite section of composite slabs (steel profiled sheeting − external reinforcement and light concrete slab), 5 types of anchorage were developed by the authors: flexible reinforcement, which was located vertically and at angle of 25 from the vertical (slab PMA-2); transverse reinforcement, which was located in the horizontal plane and which intersected the webs of the profiled steel sheeting (slab PMA-3); vertical bolted anchors in different quantities, which connected top and bottom surfaces of slabs (slabs PMA-1, PMA-5, PMA-4). Methodology. In order to obtain experimental data on the effectiveness of the proposed anchorage, the authors conducted series of experimental studies. The studies included the testing of five specimens of slabs with the ratio of the length of the slab to the height of its cross-section, equal to 10. Different anchors and methods of anchorage of specimens were used. The behavior of components of slabs (lightweight concrete, anchors, reinforcement, profiled steel sheeting) under short-term loading was studied during experiments. The deflections in the middle of the slab span were found, and the nature of the loss of bearing capacity, which depended of the type of anchors and the reinforcement, was determined. Profiled steel sheeting, flexible reinforcement, threaded screw bolt anchors and polystyrene concrete were used to make test specimens. Findings. As a result of experimental studies, the effectiveness of the author’s proposed designs of the anchors in the form of flexible reinforcement (slab PMA-2, increase in bearing capacity by 2.4 times in comparison with the slab without anchorage) and transverse reinforcement (slab PMA-3, decrease of deformability by 8% (at load of 0,6Mult, exp) compared with the slab without anchorage) was confirmed. Practical value. The anchorage of the slab PMA-2 and PMA-3 can be recommended as the main ones in the design of composite structural elements with very different physical and mechanical properties of materials (several orders). For example, using of ultra-light heat insulating concrete including polystyrene concretes with a low modulus of elasticity as a material of plates.
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