Finite element modeling of the bulldozer blade – clay soil interaction
finite element modeling, contact interaction, Drucker-Prager model, bulldozer bladeAbstract
Abstract. Purpose. The choice of rational geometrical parameters for working parts is one of the topical problems in the design process of modern earthmoving machines. Nowadays to find soil cutting force it is applied the experimental data – the base for values of soil resistivity for cutting. However, this parameter depends on many factors that can not always be considered. Therefore it is required to develop theoretical approaches to modeling of the construction machinery working parts -soils interaction taking into account soil elastic-plastic properties. The purpose of the presented work is to develop numerical solution methods for such an interaction problem. Methodology. There was supposed an algorithm for finite element modeling of the bulldozer blade-clay soil contact interaction considering the soil properties described by the extended Drucker-Prager model in ABAQUS software system. To create a soil model it was applied the 8-node C3D8 finite element. This element uses linear interpolation in each direction and represents the first-order element. The explicit scheme for integrating of the elements motion equations by time was used. Findings. The distribution of stresses and strains in the soil array for the case of blade horizontal movement was established. It is shown that the obtained results correspond to the experimental data presented in the investigations of other researchers. There were found the time-dependences for the driving forces which providing the blade movement with a given velocity for the different cutting layer thicknesses. The analysis of the blade slope angle influence on the cutting force angle was performed. It was demonstrated that the two times increase in the blade velocity leads to a need for soil cutting power requirement increase in 2,4...2,8 times depen ding on the cut layer thickness. Originality. There was developed the method of finite element solution for the problem of the dynamic contact interaction between earthmoving machine working part and the soil. The method allows to take into account the peculiarities of soil elastic-plastic deformation. The influence of the cut layer thickness and the blade slope angle on the value of force ensuring the soil movement was established. Practical value. The application of the developed method allows to optimize the design of the blade, to choose optimal modes for the machine operation depending on the physical and mechanical properties of the cut soil. The results also make it possible to determine theoretically power requirements for the bulldozer power unit to ensure the highes t operational efficiency of the construction machines.
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