Simulation piping in various graphical environments.
BIM- technology, modeling, education, graphical environment.Abstract
Abstract: The goal - improving engineering training students, through improved training techniques used today in high school, as a result of the widespread introduction in the educational process of electronic charting software. As a result, the development of which students will be able to perform all graphics tasks, applicable to the requirements of information modeling. The technique -The newest information technologies in teaching allow greater use of scientific and educational potential of leading universities and institutions to attract teachers to create distance learning courses, to expand the audience of students for active use of in novative features, such as graphics packages. Results - the development of construction of engineering networks skills students. Scientific novelty - the introduction into the educational process of innovative technologies for modeling various utilities, such as heating. The practical importance - Information technology - a combination of methods, processes, and software and hardware, integrated into the process chain, ensuring the collection, processing, storage, transmission and display of information, enabling a systematic way to organize the optimal interaction between the teacher and the student in order to achieve results training. To convert the course o n computer technology of training the teacher must have an understanding not only of the subject area, have the skills to syste matize the knowledge to competently use of teaching methods, to be well informed about the possibilities of information technology, as well as to know what computer support is achieved by means of one or the other reception. In addition, he must be informed of the technical and software that will be available to him when accompanied by a learning process, so that future engineers could u se in their work process all the benefits of BIM. Materials introduced into the educational process of the department "Descrip tive Geometry and Graphics". Designed for students specialty "Building and civil engineering" specialty "Heat and ventilation" day and in absentia - remote forms of training.
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