Features of structuring processes in the manufacture of pipes from ferritic-austenitic steels


  • V. I. Bolshakov д. т. н., Ukraine
  • T. A. Dergach к. т. н., Ukraine
  • S. A. Panchenko
  • A. E. Balev


Ferritic-austenitic steels, «CENTRAVIS PRODUCTION YUKRAYN»


The regularities of the structuring processes in the manufacture of hot-pressed pipes from corrosion-resistant ferritic-austenitic steels at CHAO "CENTRAVIS PRODAKSHN YUKREYN" were established and scientifically grounded technological measures were developed, which ensure perfection of the structure, increase of corrosion resistance, operational reliability and competitiveness of pipes. 

Author Biographies

V. I. Bolshakov, д. т. н.

GVUZ "Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture"

T. A. Dergach, к. т. н.

GVUZ "Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture"

S. A. Panchenko

GVUZ "Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture"

A. E. Balev



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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov