Strength and reliability of structural metals and alloys


  • Yu. Ya. Meshkov Doctor of medical sciences, associate professor., Ukraine


Strength, analysis, characteristic.


In the article, the problem of the power reliability of metals and alloys is proposed to be evaluated from the analysis of the main strength characteristics and the corresponding relationships between them - mechanical stability () and fracture toughness msK 2     MCR. The magnitude of both indicators determines the resistance to steel transition from plastic to brittle condition, as well as the critical temperature of brittleness of steel in the presence of various kinds of stress concentrators. The proposed mechanical characteristics (and cT msK  ) can be useful in the engineering evaluation of the quality of structural steel and the reliability of its use in products and structures

Author Biography

Yu. Ya. Meshkov, Doctor of medical sciences, associate professor.

National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. G.V. Kurdyumov National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev


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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov