Improving thermal protection of translucent enclosing structure


  • A. M. Sopilnyak аssoc., Ukraine


translucent enclosing structures, calculation, resistance to heat transfer, the software package "Elcut 5"


Summary. Raising of problem. Today energy is expensive and prices are constantly rising, cladding home design must minimize the heat flow from the inside of the building. With new technologies came a sealed one plastic windows with singlechamber and triple-pane windows. Modern comforts and a periodic increase in the cost of energy and energy efficiency requirements walling forced to return two sash windows. Purpose. The increase of thermal resistance of translucent structures for filling window openings to prevent moisture condensation on their surface. Methods. For translucent enclosing structures for mass application in the construction of various buildings was calculated the thermal conductivity using the software package "Elcut 5". Results. The results received by using the thermographic camera are some differences in the indications of temperature from the calculated values obtained in the PC "Elcut". This can be explained by imperfection of the software package and also the accuracy of the accuracy of determining the surface temperature of the thermographic camera. Practical significanc.  For translucent enclosing structures for mass application of extra window frame increases the resistance to heat transfer, thus reduces heat loss, prevents condensation on the window and the formation of mildew on the surface of the slopes. The calculations in the software package "Elcut" demand perfection by introducing an additional factor taking into account the influence of the phenomenon of convection.

Author Biography

A. M. Sopilnyak, аssoc.

Department of  Reinforce-Concrete and Stoune Constructions, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipro 49600, Ukraine, тел. +38 (0562) ) 47-02-98


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Energy, ecology, computer technology in construction