Convergence of the evolutionary algorithms for optimal solution with binary choice relations


  • V. F. Irodov Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof., Ukraine
  • Yu. V. Khatskevych Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ass. Prof., Ukraine


evolutionary algorithms, binary choice relation, conditions of convergence, R - optimal solution


Abstract. Purpose. To solve problems of mathematical programming, we previously developed one approach to construct algorithms for evolutionary random search. These algorithms in subsequent works were extended to solving generalized mathematical programming problems in which binary relations of choice are used. The convergence of evolutionary algorithms to optimal solutions when using objective functions from the Euclidean space is proved analytically in our papers. The convergence of the search for optimal solutions in the solution of problems of generalized mathematical programming is confirmed by numerous experiments on different problems. Conditions for the convergence of evolutionary algorithms for generalized mathematical programming problems are presented earlier. In this paper we prove the convergence of evolutionary algorithms for finding optimal solutions with binary choice relations. Methodology. The solution of optimization problems with the binary relation of nonstrict choice was analyzed. To investigate the convergence of evolutionary search, algorithms were studied whose main functions are the function of generating solutions and the function of the choice of solutions. As a selection function, the preference function is a binary choice relation. Findings. The article formulated conditions that ensure convergence of algorithms of evolutionary search. Among them: the condition of non-strict choice for a binary choice relation, the condition for the existence of upper-section binary relations of the choice of a non-zero measure, the condition of non-zero probability of new solutions falling into an arbitrary upper section of the choice relation. Originality. Sufficient conditions are formulated that ensure the convergence of the sequences of selected solutions to the RS - optimal solution with probability 1 under general conditions for the ratio of choice. The formulated conditions leave significant opportunities for constructing specific evolutionary random search algorithms. Practical value. The conditions of convergence of evolutionary algorithms allow us to construct effective algorithms for solving generalized mathematical programming problems: with continuous, discrete or mixed variables, in the presence of constraints in the form of equalities or inequalities.

Author Biographies

V. F. Irodov, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof.

Department of System Analysis and Modeling in Heat and Gas Supply, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, Chernishevskogo str., 24-A, Dnipro 49600, Ukraine, phon. +38 (056) 756-34-06

Yu. V. Khatskevych, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ass. Prof.

Department of Power Supply System, State Higher Educational Establishment “National Mining University”, D. Yavornytskogo prospect, 19, Dnipro, Ukraine, phon. +380952251010


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Energy, ecology, computer technology in construction