Damage of metallic smoke pipes and carrier towers for life cycle and limit values of major defects and damages
Metal smoke and ventilation pipes, defects and damages, operational fitness, durability.Abstract
Abstract. Purpose. Smoke and ventilation pipes, bearing towers are an integral part of industrial enterprises and are complex and expensive high-rise engineering structures that are subject to significant wind, temperature, corrosion, seismic and other impacts. They are the final link in many important technological processes and their decommissioning, as a rule, leads to the shutdown of the entire production and large financial losses. Determination of the residual life and durability of metal smoke and ventilationpipes, bearing towers after long periods of operation is an actual task for industrial enterprises. For this purpose, the analysis and classification of defects and damages was carried out based on the results of a survey of the technical condition of more than 100 metal smoke and ventilation pipes, and 20 metal bearing towers, the need to determine the maximum permissible values of defects and damages depending on the category of their danger, and From the category of technical condition of structures.. Methodology. A modern technique was developed for examining the technical condition of industrial metal smoke and ventilation pipes carryingtowers. The technique is developed on the basis of materials of technical condition tests of pipes and towers after a long period of operation, operating normative documents, evaluation of various effects on pipe elements. Findings. Statistical processing of defects and damages was performed to collect data on the damageability of metal chimneys and load-bearing towers, performed on the basis of conclusions on the technical condition and industrial safety assessments. The classification of the main defects and damages of load-carrying structures is performed, the maximum permissible values of defects and damages are determined depending on the category of their danger, and on the category of technical condition of the structures. Originaliny. The data on the damageability of metal smoke and ventilation pipes, bearing towers in service for 30-50 years or more, and the values of the maximum permissible values of defects and damages have been determined. Practical value. Analysis of defects and damages of metal chimneys and bearing towers, determination of their maximum permissible values for each technical condition of the structures allows to estimate the residual life and durability of structures after a long service life.
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