Tradition of folk housing in ukrainian modern architecture.


  • O. V. Tkach
  • N. S. Siwash


architecture, design, Ukrainian folk housing, Ukrainian style, eco-construction


Abstract: The purpose of this article is to review the most common ways to use elements of Ukrainian traditional folk architecture and interior design house. Methodology of this study is to analyze samples of building facilities located mostly in Dnipro region, including Dnipropetrovsk region. Scientific novelty. The society of XXI century requires a rethinking methods of solution form and content architecture. Creativity local artists provides rich material for the study of contemporary architectural process. The practical significance. Awareness of the uniqueness and originality of national historical and cultural heritage, the understanding of the integration of the best examples of folk art to modern cultural processes creates the basis for further sustainable development of modern architectural potential of Ukraine.

Author Biographies

O. V. Tkach

State Higher Educational Institution "Dnieper State Academy of Construction and Architecture" street. Chernyshevskogo 24th, 49600, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, tel.+380970715079

N. S. Siwash

State Higher Educational Institution "Dnieper State Academy of Construction and Architecture" street. Chernyshevskogo 24th, 49600, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, tel.+380669567378


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