By the solution of the problem of soil displacements on the depth in the process of filtration consolidation


  • I. I. Moscheva senior lecturer, Ukraine
  • E. V. Nesterova Ph.D.,As. Prof., Ukraine
  • V. G. Shapoval dr. prof., Ukraine


filtration consolidation, vertical displacements, pore pressure, asymptotic representation of the solution, analytical solution


Abstract. Statement of the problem. Currently existing methods of determining water-saturated sediment of the ground of the foundations are carried out using various numerical methods . In this case, there are problems of model verification (adequate breakdown of the computational domain into elements, the step of time integration, etc.), as well as the problem of calculation of the residue regions of unlimited size. In addition, the tasks which have significant practical value or too expensive, or impossible. Conclusions.It was obtained first time an asymptotic representation of the solution of the problem of soil displacements on the depth in the process of filtration consolidation, according to the model of water-saturated elastic half-space, to the upper limit of which is attached a vertical concentrated force. This solution is fundamental in solving the problems of the stress distribution on the depth of soil to the surface of which is applied an arbitrary distributed load.

Author Biographies

I. I. Moscheva, senior lecturer

Department of bases and foundations, State higher educational institution "Odessa state Academy of construction and architecture", vul. Adriana, 4, 65029, Odessa, Ukraine

E. V. Nesterova, Ph.D.,As. Prof.

Department of water-supply, water- diversion and hydraulics, State higher educational establishment the "Pridneprovskaya state academy of building and architecture", street of Chernyshevskogo, 24-а, 49600, Dnepr, Ukraine

V. G. Shapoval, dr. prof.

Dept. of construction, geotechnics and geomechanics, National Mining University, prospect Dmytro Yavornytsky, 19, Dnepr, Ukraine


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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov