Training in the field of civil protection and life safety is a guarantee of safe living


  • E. V. Dashkovskaya Institute of Innovative Technologies and Educational Content of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, st. Metropolitan Vasily Lipkovsky, 36, 03035, Kiev, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • V. G. Sipko Regional courses of improvement of leading cadres of NMC GO and BZhD of Dnipropetrovsk region MES of Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
  • V. M. Kondratyuk Regional courses of improvement of leading cadres of NMC GO and BZhD of Dnipropetrovsk region MES of Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine


Civil protection, life safety, Education, regulatory disciplines, organization and improvement Learning


Implementation of activities in the field of preventing emergencies is One of the main priorities of the work of the CMU, central Bodies of executive power, local executive bodies, Bodies of local self-government, institutions, organizations, regardless of Forms of ownership. In the context of further globalization of the economy and development Scientific and technical progress the problem of creating a security system Life and human activity acquires a special urgency. One From the directions of solving the problem is the formation of a high internal Culture of the population and, above all, young people, is mainly determined Level of education and awareness.

Author Biography

E. V. Dashkovskaya, Institute of Innovative Technologies and Educational Content of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, st. Metropolitan Vasily Lipkovsky, 36, 03035, Kiev, Ukraine

Ph.D., Assoc.


Кодекс цивільного захисту України від 02.10.2012 р. №5403-УГ.

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Наказ МНС України № 97 від 23.04.2001 р. «Про затвердження порядку здійснення підготовки населения на підприємствах, в установах та органів до дій при виникненні надзвичайних ситуацій техногенного та природного характеру».

ДСТУ 5058:2008 Навчання населения діям у надзвичайних ситуаціях.

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Life Safety