Features of application the injection building materials of the arcan waterproof at the implementation of repair-reconstructive works


  • T. S. Kravchunovska Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof., Ukraine
  • I. O. Mykhailova ass., Ukraine
  • V. A. Stoliarov eng., Ukraine


injection technology, injecting materials, waterproofing, repair-reconstruction work, building


Abstract. Purpose. Studying the features of the use of modern injection materials in the performance of repair-reconstruction works. Methodology. As the object of investigation, were chosen injection materials for waterproofing of the manufacturer ARCAN Waterproof (Germany). Results. Formulated advantages of using injection materials for waterproofing of the manufacturer ARCAN Waterproof. Scientific novelty. The main factors are revealed allowing making a reasonable choice of injection materials for waterproofing. Practical significance. The use of injection technology in carrying out repair-reconstruction work provides a technically efficient and results of cost-effective that meet the requirements of durability.

Author Biographies

T. S. Kravchunovska, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof.

Department of planning and organization of production, State Higher Educational Establishment «Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», 24-A, Chernyshevskogo str., Dnipro 49600, Ukraine

I. O. Mykhailova, ass.

Department of Planning and Organization of production, State Higher Educational Establishment «Pridneprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture» 24-A, Chernyshevskogo str., Dnipro 49600, Ukraine

V. A. Stoliarov, eng.

LLC «Cascade-Dnepr», official representative in Ukraine ARCAN Waterproof Germany in Ukraine, 80, Berezinskaya str., Dnipro 49124, Ukraine


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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov