Influence of laser treatment on the “hot” and “cold” slipping of inclusions and steel matrix


  • S. I. Gubenko DR. SC. (TECH.), PROF., Ukraine
  • І. О. Nikulchenko post graduate, Ukraine


interphase boundaries inclusion-matrix, laser treatment, slipping


Abstract.  Purpose. The problem of influence of non-metallic inclusions on the plastic behavior of steels is actual problem.  The goal of work was investigation of influence of laser action on the processes of “cold” and “hot” slipping of non-metallic inclusions and steel matrix. Methods. After laser treatment tensile specimens of steels 08U, 08H18N10T, R7, NB-57 were tested on the installation IMASH-5S under temperatures 25…1200 °С with deformation speed V1 800, V2 1680 and  V3 2000 mm/min.   We used research methods - optical microscopy, high-temperature metallography. Results. It was found that laser action has a deterrent effect on the “hot” slipping along interphase boundaries inclusion-matrix under high-temperature deformation. It was shown that laser action brakes the “cold” slipping of non-metallic inclusions in steel matrix under low-temperature deformation. It was shown that the influence of laser treatment on the plastic behavior of interphase boundaries inclusion-matrix connects with strengthening of these boundaries.  It was found that effect of laser strengthening of inclusion-matrix boundaries is maximum in the interval of laser beam energies 18…25 J.  Scientific novelty. The peculiarities of the influence of laser treatment on the different types of slipping connecting with non-metallic inclusions, namely “hot” slipping along interphase boundaries inclusion-matrix under high-temperature deformation and “cold” slipping of non-metallic inclusions in steel matrix under low-temperature deformation was founded. Practical significance. Using the results obtained enable to develop methods and regimes of laser treatment allowing to influence on the character of plastic behavior of interphase boundaries inclusion-matrix and also of steels under plastic deformation.

Author Biographies

S. I. Gubenko, DR. SC. (TECH.), PROF.

Material Science Department, National Metallurgical Academy Of Ukraine, Gagarin av., 4, 49600, Dniepr, Ukraine

І. О. Nikulchenko, post graduate

Material Science Department, National Metallurgical Academy Of Ukraine, Gagarin av., 4, 49600, Dniepr, Ukraine


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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov